Crowns & Bridges

Shelby Township, MI

Damaged or missing teeth can have a significant impact on the appearance of your smile. They can also have a devastating effect on your oral health. Your trusted team at Roam Dental is proud to offer quality, durable dental crowns and bridges to maintain long-term healthy smiles. Talk to one of our team members to determine if a crown or bridge is right for you!

Older Woman Smiling With Hand On Her Chin

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that restore damaged or missing teeth to their natural shape, size, and function. They not only protect and strengthen teeth but also improve their appearance.

At Roam Dental, we are proud to offer all-porcelain crowns. The material provides a superior color and texture match to your natural teeth, with stunning results. Once in place, no one will notice they are there!

Why Would You Need a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are versatile restorations with numerous uses. They help restore weak or damaged teeth, providing strength and resilience comparable to your natural teeth. Dental crowns are often used to repair deep decay and large cavities with not enough tooth structure to support a dental filling. They also protect teeth after root canal therapy and correct tooth wear due to grinding and clenching, a condition known as bruxism.

Dental crowns can cover dental implants or secure dental bridges to replace missing teeth and restore your healthy, functional smile. They also serve a cosmetic dentistry purpose by improving the size, shape, color, length, and appearance of teeth, delivering stunning smile transformations!

What Are Dental Bridges?

A dental bridge is an excellent tooth-replacement option that literally "bridges" a space left by missing one or more of your teeth. Your dental restoration will connect to teeth on either side of the gap.

At Roam Dental, we offer fixed and removable bridges. Fixed bridges are bonded into place, offering unmatched security and stability. Removable bridges, on the other hand, attach to neighboring teeth with metal clasps or precision attachments. We'll make sure your replacement teeth are closely matched to your existing teeth to blend in seamlessly with your smile.

Why Would You Need a Dental Bridge?

Leaving a gap in your smile can be a serious matter. The neighboring teeth may drift or tilt into the space, resulting in crooked teeth and a bad bite. Moreover, the imbalance created by missing one or more of your teeth can lead to periodontal (gum) disease and a painful condition known as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). A porcelain bridge will maintain the gap, enhancing your oral health and improving the appearance of your smile.

How Should You Care for a Dental Crown or Bridge?

Caring for a crown or bridge is just like caring for your natural teeth. Make sure to maintain proper dental hygiene practices, including daily brushing and flossing. Don't forget to visit Roam Dental for your routine, twice-a-year dental exams and cleanings. Our team will monitor your oral health and make sure your restorations stay beautiful and functional.

Dental Crowns and Bridges Near Me

Visit Roam Dental in Shelby Township, MI, to learn more about restoring your smile with a crown or bridge. Dr. Barbu is committed to providing our valued patients with quality restorations utilizing cutting-edge technology and techniques. Contact us to request your appointment today!

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