Cosmetic Dentistry

Shelby Township, MI

At Roam Dental, we understand the importance of maintaining a beautiful, healthy smile. We are proud to offer a range of cosmetic dentistry procedures to correct aesthetic concerns, including the size, shape, color, or alignment of your teeth. A consultation with Dr. Barbu will have you on your way to a smile you love before you know it!

Beautiful Young Woman Smiling And Laughing

Cosmetic Dentistry: Creating Beautiful, Healthy Smiles

Dr. Barbu continues to transform lives by delivering Shelby Township's most stunning smiles! Here are some of the most sought-after cosmetic dentistry services he offers:

  • Teeth Whitening
  • Dental Veneers
  • Cosmetic Bonding
  • Cosmetic Crowns
  • Dentures
  • Clear Aligners

Teeth Whitening - Lift Stains and Discoloration

Teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dental procedure today. It involves applying hydrogen or carbamide peroxide gel to your tooth surfaces to virtually erase stains and discoloration. While results may vary, most patients report teeth several shades whiter and brighter in just one short office visit!

Dental Veneers - Mask Tooth Imperfections

Veneers are custom-made shells we use to cover the visible surfaces of your teeth to enhance their color, size, shape, or length. Porcelain veneers are usually the preferred restorations to correct stained, discolored, worn, broken, damaged, gapped, misshapen, or crooked teeth. Expect to be amazed at the incredibly natural-looking and feeling results!

Cosmetic Bonding - Instantly Perfect Your Smile

Bonding involves using tooth-colored composite resin to cover discolored, damaged, worn, or gapped teeth, enhancing their health and appearance. It can also repair decayed teeth and protect exposed tooth roots. The quick and conservative treatment delivers instant, stunning results!

Cosmetic Crowns - Improve Teeth Function and Aesthetics

Today's dental crowns look, feel, and function just like your natural teeth. They are used to correct a range of cosmetic concerns, including discolored, worn, gapped, or misaligned teeth. Dental crowns strengthen weak or damaged teeth restoring their health, form, and function. They deliver results comparable to your natural teeth.

Dentures - Restore Your Confident Smile

Today's modern complete and partial dentures are more comfortable, functional, and natural-looking than ever before! Your prosthetic teeth will enhance the health and appearance of your smile and improve your quality of life. Our state-of-the-art technology, materials, and techniques deliver superior results!

Clear Aligners - Discreet Orthodontic Solution

Your clear, custom-made aligners will gently and precisely shift your teeth into alignment. Our virtually invisible alternative to traditional metal braces offers a convenient solution to straighten your teeth and perfect your smile without anyone knowing!

Which Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure Is Right for You?

Dr. Barbu will examine every aspect of your oral health and evaluate your smile's unique needs. He will work with you to create a fully customized treatment plan to deliver your desired results. You may require one or more cosmetic or restorative dentistry procedures to enhance your oral health and achieve your perfect smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry Services Near Me

Visit Roam Dental in Shelby Township, MI, to learn more about our cutting-edge cosmetic dentistry solutions. Dr. Barbu is committed to delivering stunning smile transformations using the latest technology and techniques. Contact us to request your appointment today!

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ROAM Dental makes it easy to schedule an appointment that fits your busy schedule. Click the link below to request an appointment time. We can't wait to see you!