
Shelby Township, MI

If you're in need of a tooth replacement option for some or all of your teeth, you've come to the right place. Roam Dental is proud to offer dentures, a convenient and aesthetic solution to improve your oral health and enhance your quality of life. Today's modern dental technology delivers more beautiful, functional, and comfortable restorations than ever before!

Smiling Older Couple On White Background

Why Replace Missing Teeth?

Maintaining a complete set of teeth will reflect on your oral health and overall wellbeing. Leaving a gap in your smile can result in the teeth shifting and tilting out of position, leading to crooked teeth and a crowded mouth. The imbalance created by missing a tooth can also cause problems with the bite, potentially resulting in headaches or jaw pain.

Replacing some or all of your teeth with dentures will enhance your speech, and you'll have many more food choices. You'll also support your facial muscles and enjoy a more youthful appearance. Best of all, you'll smile with confidence once again!

What Are Dentures?

Dentures are artificial teeth and gums custom-created at a dental laboratory from impressions of your mouth. They are closely matched to your natural teeth, blending in seamlessly with your smile.

What Are the Types of Dentures?

Complete or Full Dentures: These prosthetic devices replace an entire arch of teeth on the upper or lower jaw. They come with flesh-colored resin bases that sit on the gums with acrylic artificial teeth called pontics attached. They can be either conventional or immediate.

  • Conventional Complete Dentures: Before creating your restoration, we may need to extract any remaining teeth. The healing process will take a few months, during which the bone and gums will change in shape. We’ll prepare your conventional dentures for you after complete healing to ensure the best fit, function, and comfort.
  • Immediate Complete Dentures: These false teeth are worn during healing. We will create them ahead of time and place them immediately after tooth extraction. We'll make any adjustments or relining needed to accommodate changes in the shape of your mouth.

Removable Partial Dentures: Partials are made of metal and acrylic and are designed to replace missing teeth when some natural teeth remain. They are held in place by metal wires or clasps that attach to adjacent teeth, so you can easily take them out to clean them or when you go to sleep. Your custom restoration will look and function like your natural teeth.

Do You Need Denture Adhesives?

There are many types of denture adhesives available for purchase at your local drugstore. While many of our patients prefer to use them for an added sense of security and stability, adhesives aren’t needed to keep well-fitting restorations in place.

If you have any concerns, make sure to contact us to set up an appointment. We’ll make any adjustments necessary to ensure your dental appliance continues to provide a perfect, comfortable fit.

How Should You Care for Dentures?

Denture care involves daily brushing using a soft-bristled brush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Make sure to store your artificial teeth in a denture cleanser and rinse them before placing them in your mouth.

Avoid making any repairs to your dentures. If you have any concerns, please contact our office right away. We'll make any needed adjustments to ensure your restorations continue to enhance your smile for many years to come.

Dentures Near Me

Visit Roam Dental in Shelby Township, MI, to learn more about restoring your missing teeth with our quality, durable dentures. Dr. Barbu and his team are committed to delivering cutting-edge restorations for beautiful, functional smiles. Contact us to request your appointment today!

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ROAM Dental makes it easy to schedule an appointment that fits your busy schedule. Click the link below to request an appointment time. We can't wait to see you!