Why Periodontal Disease Needs to Be Avoided
When you keep up with your oral health, you can prevent many bad things from happening in your mouth, including periodontal disease. Regular teeth cleaning can help prevent gum issues and even maintain the overall health of your body. Read on to learn more about what periodontal disease can do to your body and how to prevent it.
What Is Periodontal Disease?
Periodontal disease is a very serious issue as the bacteria in the plaque and your body, as means to fight infection, will break down the bone and tissue responsible for keeping your teeth in place. Periodontium is the bone and gum tissue that supports your teeth. When you allow plaque to build in your mouth, it degrades your teeth.
With periodontal issues, your gum pockets will get deeper. You may start to lose teeth. It is irreversible, but it can be controlled. This involves deeper cleanings, like root planing. You may also have to go for a dental checkup every three months, as opposed to the usual six, to keep the bacteria in your mouth in check.
The Importance of Teeth Cleaning
Maintaining periodontal health is necessary if you want to prevent gum disease and keep your teeth healthy.
Plaque is a film of bacteria that tries to stay on the surface on your teeth to consume carbohydrates in your mouth. This is caused by the enamel-eroding acid it releases which leads to tooth decay and cavities.
How to Avoid Gum Disease
Therefore, you want to keep starchy foods and sugary drinks to a minimum. You also want to brush your teeth twice a day on a regular basis. Not doing so can lead to tartar growing on your teeth. Tartar is when plaque mineralizes and becomes a hard deposit around the gum line. It is not easy to remove as it requires special tools that only a professional would have.
Buildup in plaque can also lead to gingivitis. This is when gums become inflamed and start to bleed. You will not lose any teeth or bone with gingivitis. However, if you do not address the issue, it can lead to periodontal issues.
Why Professional Teeth Cleaning Is Needed
It is not enough to brush your teeth at home. Going for a professional cleaning is also important. “Why do you need to find a professional near me?” you may ask. Certain people are more likely to develop plaque than others which means they may require more cleanings from a professional. Having your teeth cleaned reduces the risk of plaque formations and dental decay from even starting.
When you go to a professional, they are able to address issues that you may not be aware of, such as gum disease. Gum disease can lead to a range of issues from tooth loss to inflammation in other areas of the body.
The bacteria in your mouth can make it to other parts of your body through your bloodstream. Some studies have correlated diabetes and heart disease to periodontal infections which is why it is important to maintain oral health.
Search for “Periodontal Health Near Me”
Keeping up with dental hygiene is important in making sure your teeth and gums are healthy. When you do not take care of your oral hygiene, it can lead to plaque, tartar, and even tooth loss. If you want help “near me”, reach out to Dr. Barbu and his team at Roam Dental in Shelby Township, MI.