How Can Teeth Whitening Transform My Smile? 

Teeth Whitening

At Roam Dental, we understand the importance of a healthy, beautiful smile. We are pleased to offer a range of cosmetic dentistry solutions, including teeth whitening, to virtually erase teeth stains and discoloration with spectacular results. Just one visit to our Shelby Township office will leave you with a smile several shades whiter and brighter!

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Teeth whitening is today’s most sought-after cosmetic dental procedure. It involves the application of carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide gel to the tooth surfaces to break down tooth stains and erase discoloration. 

Teeth whitening works well for most of our patients. It is highly effective at lifting stains off teeth discolored due to natural aging, poor oral hygiene practices, using tobacco products, and consuming dark foods and drinks like coffee, tea, red wine, and berries. 

Professional whitening treatments may not work well for teeth discolored due to trauma or using medication such as tetracycline. Moreover, teeth whitening cannot lift stains off tooth-colored restorations, such as dental fillings or crowns. If you are not a candidate for teeth whitening treatments, we may discuss different cosmetic dentistry options, such as cosmetic bonding or porcelain veneers. 

What Are Your Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Options?

Going down the dental care aisle at your local drugstore or browsing online, you’ll find numerous do-it-yourself teeth whitening products. These include whitening strips and teeth whitening kits that use peroxide-based whitening agents to brighten your teeth. You will also find whitening toothpaste options that contain mild abrasives to remove surface stains from your teeth. 

Unfortunately, many of these home teeth whiteners produce minimal whitening results. Some can also cause serious side effects, including severe tooth sensitivity, and may even damage your tooth enamel or gum tissues. 

Professional Teeth Whitening – An Overview

Dr. Barbu and his team at Roam Dental are happy to offer in-office and at-home professional teeth whitening solutions.

In-Office Whitening: If you want a dazzling smile in no time, in-office whitening is the way to go. We start by protecting your gums and lips with a shield. Next, we apply a hydrogen or carbamide peroxide gel to your tooth surfaces. The powerful gel penetrates the tooth enamel, breaking down and lifting stains while keeping your tooth structure intact. Depending on the level of staining and your desired treatment goals, you may require several whitening gel applications. Once we are done, you won’t believe the difference in your smile. 

At-Home Whitening: If you’d rather whiten your teeth at home, we are happy to provide you with a professional home bleaching kit. That includes custom trays created from impressions of your teeth, peroxide-based whitening gel, and home-use instructions. Simply place the whitening gel in your custom trays and wear them as instructed to restore your smile’s sparkle. Once you achieve the desired shade, periodic touch-up treatments will help maintain your dazzling results. 

Teeth Whitening Near Me in Shelby Township, MI

Visit Roam Dental to learn more about whitening and brightening your smile. Dr. Barbu and his team are committed to providing cutting-edge cosmetic dentistry solutions for long-term dazzling smiles. We invite you to call 586-500-ROAM to schedule an appointment or book one online today! We look forward to caring for all your dental needs.