Dental Restorations in Shelby Township, MI

It’s not uncommon for your teeth to experience trauma throughout your lifetime. For example, you may chip a tooth or have one that becomes rotted and falls out. Dental restorations are the specific procedures that Dr. Virgil Barbu will utilize to replace or fix your damaged teeth. These restorations can include fillings, implants, bridges, crowns, and even dentures.

What Are Dental Restorations?

The most commonly performed tooth restoration procedure that Dr. Barbu performs is fillings. When you have a cavity, he will remove the dead material and replace it with a filling. This filling can be made of various materials such as gold, silver amalgam, or a tooth-colored composite resin. In most cases, a composite resin will be used to help maintain the overall whiteness of your smile.

Dental Implant Restorations: Dental Crowns

Dental implant restorations are probably the most talked-about restoration procedure that Dr. Barbu performs. This type of procedure works to replace a missing tooth or one that needs to be extracted. To ensure the longevity of your oral health, Dr. Barbu will place a dental implant post into your jawbone. He’ll proceed to screw on an abutment and a prosthesis, also known as a crown. This will ultimately provide you with an artificial tooth that will restore the overall look and function of your smile.

Another common procedure that Dr. Barbu performs is a dental crown. Instead of using an implant post with a crown atop of it, this restoration procedure requires placing a crown atop an existing tooth. Dr. Barbu will strategically prepare the weakened tooth and the area around it for a crown to be placed. The crown will be fitted and permanently adhered to your existing tooth. Once completed, a crown restoration will make your smile look complete again.

Dental Implant Restorations: Bridges

Another common restoration procedure is a bridge. This is where a false tooth or multiple teeth are anchored to your existing teeth. They literally bridge the gap where your missing teeth are. Bridges can be constructed from porcelain, alloys, gold, or a combination. Dental restorations like bridges are great for patients who are missing a single tooth or a couple of teeth in one area of their jaw.

Scheduling Dental Restorations

If you have multiple missing teeth, then dentures may be the right option for you. Dentures are characterized as removable replacements for your missing teeth and their surrounding tissue. Most dentures are constructed of acrylic resin and can be for the whole upper or lower teeth set or a partial part of your teeth set. While dentures are much cheaper than tooth implant restorations, they are not permanent. Most patients will find that they need to invest in new dentures every five to seven years.

Whether you’re looking for dental implant restorations or another type of cosmetic restoration procedure, Dr. Barbu is here for you. Simply give Roam Dental a call today to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Barbu.